Making a choice of study is still quite complicated, isn't it? In this article you can read what you can do to make the right study choice.
Do you feel the pressure? You are going to study next school year, but you have no idea what yet! Making such a choice of study is quite complicated, isn't it? Fortunately, you don't have to do it alone. We at WisMon are here to carry this immense pressure with you. In this way we provide you with information, but you also eliminate your deficiencies with us. In this article you can read what you can do to make the right study choice.
Find your interests and qualities!
Before you can figure out which study program suits you best, you need to know where your interests lie. What are your hobbies? Which subjects do you like? In which profile do you take your final exam?
You also need to know where your qualities lie. Ask yourself what you are good at, but also ask others. Friends, family and teachers often have a pretty good idea of you. Their answers sometimes give you completely new insights.
In addition, ask yourself which companies you can see yourself working for. Or which functions you like. Once you know that, all you have to do is determine which education will lead you to such a job.
Ask your dean for study choice advice
For a good study choice, specific study choice advice is of course always welcome. Your dean is the person to go to . A dean knows which questions to ask in order to map out your interests, character traits and qualities. And he has a lot of knowledge of all available further education. Moreover, a dean is usually perfectly capable of putting all those puzzle pieces together. Consequence? Thorough, tailor-made study choice advice!
Visit open days and walk-in days to help with study choice
Once you have a shortlist with interesting further courses, you can go on your way. Register for open days and walk-in days. Or go for a test study!
Do you already know what you want to do? Then aim your arrows at more than 1 training. Otherwise you will get a very one-sided picture. You may miss out on information that could change your mind.
You get the best idea of a further education by talking to students. Or by browsing the National Student Survey. In it, students tell how satisfied they are with their education.

Other choices to think about
Which training you are going to do is one question. However, you have to think about more things.
College or university?
For example, do you go to a college or university after you have completed your pre-university education? In the first you learn for a specific profession where you can immediately apply existing knowledge in practice. At university you will be prepared for research work and you will be more theoretical.
The lessons are also completely different. At university you regularly attend lectures with large groups of students. A lesson at a university of applied sciences often takes place in your own (small) class.
Also ask yourself whether you would rather apply knowledge or acquire new knowledge. One is not better than the other. Choose the direction that suits you best!
Full-time, part-time or dual?
Then there is the question of whether you want to follow a full-time, part-time or dual study. With a full-time study, you focus on your education throughout the week. In total you will spend about 40 hours a week on your studies.
You do a part-time study if you want to work alongside your studies. That job does not necessarily have to be in line with your education; the two are separate from each other. Lessons often take place in the evenings.
In a dual study you also combine working and studying, but the two are in line with each other. So you already work in the industry for which you are being trained.
I still do not know!
Are you not able to make the right study choice? Then you might find these tips useful.
- Take an online study choice test . Such a test gives you insight into your interests and qualities. Please note: the results of these types of tests are always a guideline only. In the end you have to be satisfied with your choice; not that test!
- Ask for study choice advice at the college or university you are unsure about. Deans and students there are the best sources of information.
- Think about a gap year. You may know someone who has done this. Ask about their experience.
I do not meet the entry requirements!
If you have finally made your choice of study, you do not meet the admission requirements… YakiBooki is here to help you out too!