book-author | Roxy Peck, Tom Short |
publisher | Cengage Learning; 2nd edition |
file-type | |
pages | 729 pages |
language | English |
asin | B078KVGV11 |
isbn10 | 1337558087 |
isbn13 | 9781337558082 |
Book Description
Roxy Peck & Tom Short’s Statistics: Learning From Data 2nd Edition (PDF); addresses common problems faced by learners of elementary statistics with an innovative approach. The authors have paid particular attention to areas learners often struggle with — probability; hypothesis testing; and selecting an appropriate method of analysis. Probability coverage is based on current research on how students best learn the subject. A unique chapter that provides an informal introduction to the ideas of statistical inference helps students to develop a framework for choosing an appropriate method. Supported by learning objectives; real-data examples and exercises; and technology notes; this book helps learners to develop conceptual understanding; mechanical proficiency; and the ability to put knowledge into practice.
Note: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in this ebook version. This only contains Statistics: Learning from Data 2nd edition PDF. We also have the Statistics: Learning from Data 2E testbank; instructors solution manual and slides. Contact us for more info.
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