
Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology (12th Edition)

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Download Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology (12th Edition) written by Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis G. Tasa in PDF format. This book is under the category Geology and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 134074254/9780134074252. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.

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Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens, Dennis G. Tasa


Pearson; 12th edition




816 pages









Book Description

This dependable best-seller, known for its easy readability and entertaining content as well as its spectacular and educational pictures, is back with a streamlined and condensed emphasis on the fundamentals. Throughout each and every one of its chapters, the e-book “Tarbuck and Lutgens' Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology 12e” (PDF) keeps a focus on achieving specific educational goals in the following areas: The PDF etextbook offers readers a planned learning route that is linked to learning objectives and gives them with opportunities to demonstrate their level of comprehension at the conclusion of each section. The writers place a strong emphasis on being relevant and up to date, which includes including the most recent thinking in the industry, particularly in the fast-paced discipline of plate tectonics.

Learning Guide Oriented Towards Learning Objectives; Making Use of Augmented Reality to Make Geology Come Alive

The most recent version, the 12th Edition, is the first augmented reality hybrid textbook published by Pearson Science. It uses the BouncePages image recognition app, which is available for free on the app stores for both Android and iOS, to connect readers' digital devices to the printed hardcopy textbook, thereby improving the learning and reading experience for the students. The ground-breaking SmartFigures feature that Tarbuck and Lutgens originally developed has been enhanced with the addition of new digital content in the form of Mobile Field Trips, Project Condor, Animated Figures, and extra tutorial films created by Callan Bentley.

In addition, this is included with Mastering Geology (sold separately)

This online instructional, homework, and assessment software is called MasteringTM Geology, and it was created to operate in conjunction with this textbook in order to improve performance and interest college students. Students benefit from personalised instruction that is provided through interactive tutorials that may be completed at the student's own speed. Students of geology are able to actively study, learn, and remember even the most challenging subjects thanks to the vast array of activities that are available to them.

Please be aware that you are purchasing a separate PDF product; the content you are interested in does not come bundled with Mastering Geology.