
Diagnostic Imaging: Genitourinary (3rd Edition)

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Download Diagnostic Imaging: Genitourinary (3rd Edition) written by Mitchell E. Tublin in PDF format. This book is under the category Medicine and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 323377084/9780323377089. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.

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Mitchell E. Tublin


Elsevier; 3rd edition




640 pages









Book Description

Diagnostic Imaging: Genitourinary, 3rd Edition (PDF) is a standard for radiology practitioners and trainees. It provides an image-rich, reader-friendly format that highlights the function of imaging in detecting and managing illnesses of the GU tract. This medical reference ebook is an all-inclusive resource that can be utilized by any and all members of the radiology team thanks to its succinct chapters and eye-catching imaging examples.


  • Offers almost 2,500 high-quality graphics to facilitate improved visual comprehension; meanwhile, a bulleted textbook makes reference and review much more efficient.
  • Includes a revised and extended table of contents, as well as chapters and references that have been brought up to date, as well as brand new illustrations that illustrate the roles that ultrasonography and MR play in evaluating illnesses of the GU tract.
  • Imaging techniques that are up to date, such as CT urography, MR urography, DECT, and DWI MR, are able to keep up with the ever-evolving diagnostic algorithm that is necessary for the assessment of disorders that affect the genitourinary tract.
  • Includes discussions on major current issues, such as the staging and surveillance of prostate cancer; the staging and subclassification of renal cell carcinoma; the work-up and importance of adrenal adenomas; and the function of DECT in the characterization of renal stones.




The literature on genitourinary imaging has gained a valuable new piece with this study. This article offers a comprehensive discussion of genitourinary pathology and is organized very nicely into organs. Those who wish to review a certain diagnosis might benefit greatly from using this as an excellent reference. On the other hand, it is of a modest size and can be readily read from cover to cover during a GU rotation that lasts anywhere from two to four weeks. An outstanding reaction to the ever-increasing amount of medical material has been provided by the publishers in the shape of the decision to split the book on abdominal imaging and genitourinary imaging into two separate volumes. —  Tara Catanzano; MD (Baystate Medical Center)