
Computer Science; A Structured Approach Using C (3rd Edition)

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Download Computer Science; A Structured Approach Using C (3rd Edition) written by Behrouz A. Forouzan ; Richard F. Gilberg in PDF format. This book is under the category Computers - Programming and bearing the isbn/isbn13 number 0534491324/9780534491321. You may reffer the table below for additional details of the book. We do NOT provide access codes, we provide eBooks ONLY. Instant access will be granted as soon as you complete the payment.



Behrouz A. Forouzan ; Richard F. Gilberg










Course Technology

Book Description

**”Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C” (3rd Edition)** by Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg is a widely respected textbook designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of computer science using the C programming language. The book covers a range of essential topics in computer science, focusing on both theoretical concepts and practical applications through structured programming in C.

### **Key Features and Content Overview:**

#### **1. Introduction to Computer Science and C Programming**
– **Overview of Computers and Programming**: The book starts with an introduction to basic computer science concepts, including the history of computing, the structure of a computer system, and the fundamentals of algorithms and programming.
– **Introduction to C**: This section provides an introduction to the C programming language, explaining its syntax, data types, and the structure of a C program. It includes detailed examples to help students understand how to write and compile C programs.

#### **2. Control Structures**
– **Decision Making**: The book covers control structures such as if-else statements and switch cases, explaining how to implement decision-making in C. It also discusses common programming pitfalls and how to avoid them.
– **Loops**: Various looping structures in C, such as for, while, and do-while loops, are explained in detail. The book provides examples of using loops to solve repetitive tasks in programs, with a focus on structured and efficient programming.

#### **3. Functions and Modular Programming**
– **Functions in C**: A key part of the text focuses on breaking down programs into smaller, manageable modules using functions. Topics like function definitions, function calls, passing arguments, and recursion are covered extensively.
– **Scope and Lifetime of Variables**: The concept of local and global variables, along with their scope and lifetime, is discussed in the context of modular programming.

#### **4. Arrays and Strings**
– **Arrays**: This section introduces the concept of arrays in C, including single-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. It explains how arrays can be used to store and manipulate large sets of data efficiently.
– **Strings**: The book provides a detailed explanation of string manipulation in C, covering standard string functions and common operations like concatenation, comparison, and searching.

#### **5. Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation**
– **Pointers**: A fundamental concept in C programming, pointers are explained thoroughly, with examples showing how to use pointers to manipulate data, access arrays, and work with functions.
– **Dynamic Memory Allocation**: This section introduces the malloc and free functions, showing how to allocate and deallocate memory dynamically. The use of pointers in dynamic data structures like linked lists is also covered.

#### **6. Structures and File Handling**
– **Structures**: The book covers user-defined data types in C using structures, explaining how to group different types of data into a single entity. Examples of practical applications using structures are provided.
– **File Input/Output**: This section introduces file handling in C, teaching students how to read from and write to files using standard I/O functions. It also covers error handling and file pointers.

#### **7. Advanced Data Structures**
– **Linked Lists**: The book explains the implementation and use of singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists. It also provides examples of common linked list operations like insertion, deletion, and traversal.
– **Stacks and Queues**: This section discusses the implementation of stacks and queues using arrays and linked lists. The book provides examples of how to use these data structures in real-world scenarios.
– **Trees and Graphs**: The book offers an introduction to more complex data structures like binary trees and graphs, explaining their significance in computer science and how they can be implemented in C.

#### **8. Algorithms and Problem Solving**
– **Searching and Sorting**: The book provides detailed explanations of searching algorithms (such as linear and binary search) and sorting algorithms (like bubble sort, selection sort, and quicksort). The efficiency of these algorithms is discussed in terms of time and space complexity.
– **Algorithm Design**: Concepts like divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming are introduced, with examples to illustrate how these techniques can be used to solve complex problems.

#### **9. Recursion**
– **Recursive Programming**: The book explains the concept of recursion in programming, providing examples of common recursive algorithms such as factorial calculation and Fibonacci sequence generation.

#### **10. Debugging and Testing**
– **Debugging Techniques**: The book emphasizes the importance of debugging and testing in programming. It introduces various debugging techniques and tools, helping students develop skills to find and fix errors in their programs.
– **Program Testing**: Different methods of testing programs are discussed, including unit testing, integration testing, and black-box testing.

### **Conclusion**
**”Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C” (3rd Edition)** by Behrouz A. Forouzan and Richard F. Gilberg is an excellent resource for beginners in computer science. It provides a solid foundation in programming concepts using C while also teaching important problem-solving techniques and algorithm design. The book’s structured approach ensures that students gradually build their skills in programming, data structures, and algorithmic thinking. Its comprehensive coverage of topics, coupled with practical examples and exercises, makes it a valuable textbook for anyone looking to learn C and develop a deeper understanding of computer science fundamentals.


Behrouz A. Forouzan ; Richard F. Gilberg










Course Technology


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